+27 (0)11 582 6880 info@jasperpower.co.za

Jasper Power ED & SED Projects

Progress through Enterprise and Socio-Economic Development.

What We Do

Enterprise Developments

Jasper Power mandated to spend 0.6% of its Revenue on Enterprise Development Initiatives.

Socio-Economic Development

Jasper Power mandated to spend 1.5% of its Revenue on Socio-Economic Development Initiatives.

Enterprise Development

With the emphasis on Enterprise Development, Jasper Power continues to give greater importance to the development of black-owned SMMEs, as part of our Pitch Your Business and Contract Support Programmes.

Given the current economic times in our country, and the impact that the coronavirus pandemic has had on our economy in 2020, it has become critical to support and develop SMMEs, as they become job creators within their local communities.

Hence, through the Jasper Power Support Programmes, these SMMEs can now hire additional staff which will empower economic growth in these respective communities, as well as increase their standard of living over time, while providing for their children and themselves and we continue trying to make a difference where we can and to live up to our motto:

“Committed to Enterprise Development for the benefit of the Community at large.”

Key Areas in ED spenditure:


Assistance to Black Business

Assisting the development and growth of SMMEs to help play an important role in turning unemployment around within the local community.


Mentoring SMMEs

Assisting SMME’s in order to help facilitate growth and improve skills development. We strive to drive skills development and includes the mentorship of new entrepreneurs, as well as old ones we have worked with.


Black Women Empowerment

Promoting and empowering women, thereby improving women’s access to credit, land and other resources and increasing women’s labour participation.



Socio-Econnomic Development

There are urban, suburban and rural communities in South Africa which currently face a host of challenges. Several of these challenges are common across community types, while others are connected to the unique way of life in South Africa .

The communities of Tsantsabane, Postmasburg and Kgatelopele Danielskuil are experiencing several challenges. Unemployment is around 75% at present, while social and economic facilities, as well as existing infrastructure, is are under-served.

There is a pressing need for clinics and skilled healthcare practitioners, including sport and recreational facilities, and also early childhood development centres. In terms of service delivery, some communities/townships are better off than others with regard to basic needs such as housing, sanitation, water and electricity, while in others it remains a grave concern.

Due to a limited budget, Jasper Power cannot assist in all of these areas; nevertheless, we continue trying to make a difference where we can and to live up to our motto:

“Committed in supporting Socio-Economic Development for the benefit of the Community at large”

Key Areas in SED spenditure:


Infrastructure Development

Upgrading community facilities through construction and development.



Empowering the youth to make better decisions in their daily lives in order to create a better future for themselves and their families.


Community Development

Making contributions in the local communities that lead to a more socially stable environment for families.


Sports Development Projects

Contributing towards the support of grass-root interventions for sporting achievement and personal development


Health Projects

Making a positive impact through primary healthcare education, family planning, preventative programmes relating to HIV/AIDS and assistance to drug & alcohol centres.


Total spend on feeding scheme

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